Difficult Sam ... difficult to address this seriously ... there is a devil of a lot of detail ... history of nationalism being one ... including the history of Zionism - the Balfour declaration was in 1st WW, and so on. The culminating failures of the industrialising European / Ottoman dynastic Empires including the British global hegemon of the day, was followed by the 2nd installment in a yet more violent thoroughly globalised industrial total war. ('The Race for Resources'). These results re-iterate as we write.

There is a lot of serious stuff to study. I am not a fan of textual deconstruction ... I give up.

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Not quite sure what to make of this comment!

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Perhaps then you prefer the right-wing agendas promoted at this gabfest!


Summaries of what was on display are featured on this site: the sidebar on the right side of the website.


Never mind too that it could be said that a Cult created by a culturally and religiously illiterate nihilistic barbarian is an in-your-face sign of the almost complete disintegration of US culture (or what remains of it).

I am of course referring to the MAGA cult and its leader, sometimes referred to as Orange Jesus

If he is elected all the negative scenarios described and pointed to on the sites above will be enforced (turbo-charged on steroids!)

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You write well, but for me you make too many sweeping statements without supporting evidence. The cartoon at the start; I'd agree that it isn't particularly great, but you typify it as a critique of modern conservatism: I think it is anything but- it's a critique of Reform Ltd-. I'd see Reform Ltd as being a long way from conservatism.

'The Modern Left': I'm not exactly sure what it is, but as you describe it, it feels a pejorative descriptor & stereotypes a subset of Left thinking where it feels like a caricature . Ditto what feels like an emotive stereotyping of a 'whiteness' narrative: it doesn't come across as very forensic or analytical.

There are also parts of sharia (see Rowan Williams) that i believe can be held within an understanding of 'Britishness'. I put 'Britishness' within inverted commas as I'm never quite sure what it means; you have before pointed out very effectively that we haven't defined ourselves well and I'm sure that 'Britishness' would vary depending on how 'English' , 'Scottish' etc your lens was.

It's a start, but at the moment it feels a little too sweeping.

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PS you know I agree with you about Reform - I had started to get my hopes up, but they have just been dashed

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Well, it's mostly at the level of opinion column not academic article! I'm outlining a conceptual point, not making the substantive argument (yet). Re: the cartoon have you not seen the latest Trump as Hitler magazine cover? It's a very common line of criticism against those of more conservative persuasion. I might do an article spelling out what I mean by Modern Left. I'll put the CRT to one side for now, that definitely deserves it's own post. As for sharia being allowable, there might be scope - in the way that there is scope for self-regulation in minor areas for any community - but not where it runs against the general law, here I'm thinking of blasphemy and the Batley teacher.

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I'd agree: any practice cannot run against British law.

CRT: Don't get me started on the misunderstanding of that term! It's more correct to refer to 'critical race theories'- there's a whole breadth of understandings. Unfortunately it has become another phrase trotted out on the mainly American right (see 'woke', 'virtue signalling' etc) & often repeated ad nauseum with little understanding as to what it is. Imho, the contention that race/ethnicity may be a determinant on the way that we 'see' seems fairly mild.

Yeah, on the left, the idea that anyone who is right leaning is somehow a 'nazi' is equally simplistic & annoying.

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