Feb 9, 2022Liked by Sam Charles Norton

Yes thank you that is very illuminating . I was only thinking last night about how Jesus chose to spend his time with people who were often disapproved of , as I have a friend who tends to scapegoat people in the group we belong to by saying things like they have a dark energy or they work for the dark side and I just find it difficult to talk to her about what is to me such a divisive, unloving and fear based way of seeing people ….. surely if we are surrendered to all that is true and good and beautiful sharing our presence in the world will not ‘ pollute’ us because that is all that truly is Real and to the extent that we are surrendered we will be agents of transformation

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Most helpful, Sam. Thank you

I had already worked through a ‘taking offense’ as the ego response that is terrified of death and MUST sustain ItSelf - making and defending its own life

Thus of course incapable of receiving Life as gift from God

The Girardian take is most helpful

Thanks also for the comment on Matthew 5:29!!



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